
Movie Night. How to Train Your Dragon

Dear Parents:
Last weekend’s movie night was a huge success. Over 350 students and families sat under stars and watched the Movie How to Train Your Dragon. The movie night was allowed to happen for free because of the sales taken in from the fiesta fundraiser. The PTSA is an important part of your child’s school. With tighter budget the school district are not always able to purchase items for the school. The district is always working hard to insure that our kids are getting the very best education, with the very best teachers. This is where the PTSA comes in. Currently we are purchasing books for the Strings teacher, sporting goods for the kids for recess and all profits from the school book fair are given to the school library. In the spring we will be having our annual carnival. I promise this to be our biggest and best yet. As a PTSA Member you are contributing to all of these items and functions for our kids. Joining does not require you to be at every function or to go to every PTSA Meeting. Joining simply allows all of us the opportunity to give back to our kids. In The Paradise Valley school district most PTSA memberships are $25.00. At Larkspur a family membership is just $10.00 and an individual membership is just $5.00 I hope that you can join the PTSA so we can continue to give back to our kids and to future students at the school.

Simply print and fill out this form and place it in your child’s backpack or bring to the school front office. Checks and cash are accepted. Make checks payable to Larkspur PTSA. If you would like to volunteer for future events simply check the line below and someone will contact you.

Thank you!

Peter Pagnotta
Larkspur Elementary PTSA President
2430 E. Larkspur Dr.
Phoenix, AZ 85032

Family Members____________
Phone #___________________________________Mobil#__________________________________
Please check one. Checks or cash accepted. Please place in envelop and give to School Secretary
Family Membership $10___________________Individual Membership $5________________________
Yes, I would like to be contacted on how I can help with the PTSA_______
No, I am not able to volunteer for events at this time________

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